Thursday, January 10, 2008

Springboard -Day 1

'Springboard is an initiative aimed at encouraging young women to realise their full potential, by increasing their self-confidence and belief in their own capabilities.'

a programme reminiscence of ACP, except that i am now the participant.

the theme and topics to be discussed over the course of the programme will be familiar- the universal rules of being proactive, taking charge of your own life, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, chart your values and goals, time management, energy management...almost all of the aspects that we once tried to instil in our young participants.

still, i am glad that i have signed up for this.

today, it provided the platform for me to re-assess my values and my goals, something i have put away for long enough in all my hurry to read and write those essays. i have always told people that camb is a wonderful place to be in because of the sheer opportunities it has to offer. but i have kept quiet about how this very fact has also caused much stress. there is always the dilemma between wanting to maintain the status quo, to do and improve on what you are good at and should be doing, and the guilt of not making full use of the opportunities available, the anxiety of missing out. but perhaps the real source of stress is not from the dilemma itself. rather, it could be the desire to live up to the expectations of others. i thought that was thought-provoking!

i also like the setting provided for free discussion among all the participants. when people share their experience, you get reminded of even the most sucessful looking people have setbacks, and that their anxieties and stress are really not very much different from your own. in some cases, you can even consider yourself to be fortunate relative to others. i am not suggesting that we need to know that other people have it tougher than we do to feel reassured; instead, i think it is a reminder for not sinking into self-pity when things are not smooth-sailing. in addition, such people with such stories could be potentially be good role models for inspiration and motivation.

also emphasized strongly today were the importance of seeking support, the necessity to build networks for support and the value of support systems already available. this, too, i find is quite a refreshing idea. the much mentioned figures to seek for advice are the personal tutor, the director of studies and the college nurse- i have only met my personal tutor once, and have never seen the college nurse. and i think my dos could be fed up with me by now because i keep sending him emails for a recommendation letter. the facilitators, however, reassured me that these people are more than willing to help students, and that nothing troubles them more than not knowing that a student is suffering in silence. hmm...since they say so, no harm trying really. isn't this form of personal attention the collegiate system is supposed to offer begin with? okay, i will try to have more confidence in this sort of organised pastoral care system.

so, i have not many terms left in camb, and the next is starting in a week's time. a very apt time indeed to have new advice on how to live the next term effectively.

1 comment:

SET said...

ACP rox!