so, the past two days are spent on browsing the home section of shops, arranging and rearranging items in the cabinets, and looking for items after that because i can't remember where i put them.
amidst all the excitement, i miss basing 15 sometimes.
it is the familiarity to living in that place and to the neighbours in basing house that i miss, i think. changes always make me feel apprehensive. i thought i should be used to it by now. i have been living in two countries since i was 15, and i managed three last year. over summer alone, i had packed and unpacked at least four times to move to different places (not for holiday). still, i always get that uneasy feeling a few days before moving. and i realise that i never learn how to pack light. maybe subconciously i want to carry things that are familiar, hence all the excess baggage.
camb isn't that much different from the time i knew it before i left for summer. friends who were friendly were still as friendly, and those who weren't that friendly seem to be more friendly. there are many new faces around, and my windows open into benson court instead of magd street now. so, it's the birds that i hear first thing in the morning instead of the truck unloading bottles at the wine merchant. oh, i probably won't be cycling much in the early weeks; a bird has built a nest in my bike basket. there's even an egg in it. i think i should leave it for a few days and see what happens before deciding whether to move my bike.
other than those, nothing has changed much really- ramsay is still ramsay and sainsbury is still sainsbury. i foresee myself eating loads of cereals, bread amd canned food again once term begins and evceryone scarcely has time to plan for the next meal.
lectures start proper tomorrow and other activites start next week. i will still be involved in dance and cell group, so not much changes as well. in fact, i think i am such a constant person that i rarely tread unknown waters.
anyway, the cheese has been moved, albeit not too far from its origin. and i am on my way to find it.
the decision not to use your bike for the bird's sake such a nice gesture =) good to hear from you again haha
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