Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Efficiency is Key

the workload rears its ugly head. in fact, i already have 3 essays to write and had 2 practicals completed. i start to not comprehend my lecture notes fully and balk at the material i am supposed to learn by the end of this week. only the practicals are comforting- so far. but that is only because they are not that complicated anyway and i have handled most of the equipment before during attachment. so in conclusion, i am gawking at a steep learning curve =S.

cambridge is as usual teeming with all the fantastic activities that i so wish i have time to attend. i have made great plans over the summer to pack michaelmas with as many events as possible, to take hold of the opportunities so rare but available here. since the intensity of such ccas tend to decline as the acdemic year progresses, hopefully i will have enough time to catch up with studies over winter break and in subsequent terms.

but i doubt that will work now, judging from the amount of work already piled up and i can feel the thundering thrust of more on its way. also, i am planning to have two holidays during winter break.

oh well, i will have to be more efficient then. halve the time and double the amount done for everything. hopefully, the quality of work will not be compromised. that means i will have to learn to exercise appropriate degrees of conscienciousness in the right areas.

to begin, writing blog posts should not take longer than necessary.

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas Edison

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Dan said...
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