Monday, December 31, 2007

Skiiiiiiii... ...Wheee

the skiing experience

the ski boots were a torture in the beginning. they were heavy, so tight that they cut off blood circulation to the ankle and below, and make you walk like robocop.

the first 3 days of skiing were quite demoralising.

while everyone was practicing skiing down the slopes, i was spending all my time and energy trying to reach the top of the slopes. on mon, i failed the turning test and was put into olivier's group, with whom i practiced turning on a 'slope' which was more like a platform really. walking up the slopes in our skis either by the v-walk or by side-stepping was tiring... until i experienced the nightmare of taking the button ski lifts on tues. i fell off the lift almost everytime i took it when for everyone else it seemed effortless. i was so disappointed at a time that i took off my skis and decided i had enough of it. but jinyang made me put my skis back on, and, in siewkit's words, with their positive aura i will make it to the top. and indeed i did! and i made it two consecutive times!

on wed, the confidence to ski gradually built up. i fell off the lift again the first thing in the morning, but was picked up. i think i should be ashamed to admit that a big girl like me still need all the encouragement i can get to feel confident. my spirits soared to its peak by the end of wed because i was finally skiing! should i add that olivier actually led us down a blue slope? haha.

on thurs and fri, we did more challenging green and blue slopes. the last blue slope we did with the guys after olivier left was *ahem* the most eventful. i think i fell more times than all the other 7 people combined. i realised that i am afraid of high speeds. whenever i feel i am going too fast, i panicked and lost control. but in retrospect, i must have been very brave at the same time, to be able to want to keep on going down the slopes.

olivier and his english-speaking girls. the prcs in the group all speak fluent french

overall, it has been a steep learning curve, from the more-a-platform 'slope' on mon to a 'pink' slope on fri. olivier was an excellent coach i must say. and i had helpful prc skimates who watch my back when we were learning, and very encouraging friends who made me push the boundaries even outside lesson time.

group 14 toasting olivier

the people who made the trip all the more memorable =)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas This Year

i was just brought to realisation that christmas is just next tuesday. in camb, people start to get all christmas-y by the 6th week of term, perhaps as a source of comfort and drive to last till the end of term.

hence, christmas seems like a far, faraway day that everyone awaits for so eagerly but never actually arrives. in the last week of michaelmas,college events were just about christmas bops and christmas formals, and the CF put up two christmas events. people talked about what to do before christmas, where to go for christmas, how to spend christmas over and over again. all the hype about christmas coming is just now going to end so abruptly on tues when christmas day is finally here.

i had my fair share in the christmas merry-making. and since coming back from barcelona, i had christmas songs streaming through the internet radio to be my companion whenever i had to work alone in my room. oh those tunes were angelic, especially if they were played by kenny g. sometimes i thought i would just cry listening to them.

i will be in the alps this christmas, so it will my first true white christmas. it will also be the second christmas in consecutive years without a carol service by the church choir and without the early morning christmas service. it is not that i have to be physically present in a church to remember the true meaning of christmas; it is the familiarity that i miss.

should i try to seek familiarity in the new? or should i just come to terms with the unfamiliarity of the present moment, and of many more moments to come?

i would prefer the former.

have a blessed christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mum's WoW

my mum has reminded me that i am not alone in this.
she has helped me re-cast the situation in a better light.

sometimes you just need someone wiser to pull you out from the whirlpool, to re-assess the situation and realise that things are not that bad after all =)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Amazing Barcelona Trip

10 people to share a room and loud singing
9 companions to practice the unabashedly suaku-ness of a tourist
4 idyllic days of exploring a city
3 nights of yuk-ing power arms race
2 must-go places: zara and tous

One truly unforgettable journey to remember:

The Amazing Barcelona Trip